Monday, March 8, 2010

Haven't posted this yet, made some changes to the normal maps and popping out some of the details.


  1. I saw the version where you had the street paint. That bit of yellow is a much needed improvement over this version. I would, however like to see some blood stains. Perhaps Gavin could show you a way to apply a decal in Max. Though I am unsure of the outcome, I think that bit of detail would add to the horror. Or it may be too gaudy. But the way I see it: it's a zombie apocalypse. The gorier the better, right?

  2. is there purple lighting in this? or is that in the texture? i dont remember. if it is in texture, desaturate that. that is WAY too purple. what happens when that gets hit by the moolight, its going to look like a unicorn's mane.
