Thursday, April 29, 2010

the final countdown

kk, so for this next and almost final week. you should have:

your highpoly done and painted
your lowpoly done. unwrapped would be best

the last bonus week will be pizza, rigging, and posing your alien on the stand that you had made. so if there is anything you want to change for the stand, wrap it up in the next week and a half

also, for this model, since we modeled it with good topo in the begining, you should be able to just drop it down to a low subdivision and export that to use as a starting point. or if you prefer doing it in zbrush feel free to do it that way as well. im going to do a combo of the 2 i believe. max for most, and zb for the head.

next week we will bake and go over using photo overlays in photoshop for our textures on top of what we project from the highpoly model. also we will probably do a wrap up of issues and bugs we have discovered over the course of the class and go through the fixes for each.

you guys really kicked ass this quarter. the class started pretty slow and all the days off really threw a wrench in the flow of my schedule, but once you guys started getting to know the program a little better you all really kicked up your game a notch. those last creatures you all turned in blew me away, there wasn't one that didn't show great improvement and understanding of the program.
so, good job guys

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