Monday, April 26, 2010

progress so far

still have a bit more to do in the face, tentacle and hands region.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's a bit covered by hair, but female butt's are usually rounder & more upsidedown heart shaped.
    This is an extreme example of this, but...

  3. I'm probably late in saying this, but ZBrush is a versatile tool...
    Your character looks a little thin. From shoulder to should, the distance should be around three heads wide, yours looks to be about two. Her thighs seem a bit long as well. And although a gentleman shouldn't comment on a woman's lower physique, I will respectfully suggest that her hips should probably be widened a bit on account of a large pelvis that evolved to carry 6 to 12 pounds for nine months. This feature is distinctly feminine above all else and should be modeled as such.
